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The Regulators Formation Skydive Team

3 Canadian National Skydiving Championship bronze medals,
3 BC Provincial gold medals, 3 May Meet gold medals,
1 Southwest Skydiving League silver medal,
 1 Canadian National Skydiving Championship gold medal in 8-way,
PLUS so many other medals since 1990 that I can't recall them all.

Click on any picture to enlarge


Skydiving has been part of my life since 1990, when I took my first big leap
 in Salmon Arm BC. Since the very beginning, I knew there was more to skydiving than just leaping from a perfectly good airplane (as most people would say).
And then I met someone who would change it all.
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Ben Ingebrigtson and I became the best of  friends and we both wanted all we could get from skydiving. We started competing and putting together teams when we were still very junior jumpers, never once thinking of anything but the ultimate goal ...
the Canadian National Championships.
In 1995 we put together the team that would take us there ... the Regulators.
Over the years the team members changed, but Ben and I stuck it out
and in July 2000 we competed and won  at the Nationals in Ontario.

These are just some of our team pictures ... I have so many others, but these say it all. 
We would like to thank everyone who made our dream a reality ... blue skies!

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This is the only corny pic you'll see of me (although I have many more!)
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My first training camp, in Marana AZ.
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The 5 years we devoted to the team cost us alot but I would NEVER say it was not worth everything. Being on a team of this caliber is truly unbelievable!