Our Wedding
Where We Live
Latest Trips
Office Cam
Gear For Sale
About Me


Over the years I've made a lot of friends...hopefully more than enemies :)  Here are some pix I've found in my albums... don't fret if you don't see your smiling face here, I just haven't found your picture yet.  Click on any picture to enlarge


BUFFALO BURGER 032.gif (105674 bytes)
Marc, Judith and Me
papas.jpg (53738 bytes)
The usual suspects
Oragon-E, me and Mr Mills downtown Oragon-E.JPG (128002 bytes)
My friend Carey (3rd from left) on patrol in Afghanistan
Pilots a Black Hawk
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Carey's helicopter and more on an assault
malcolm.gif (99108 bytes)
# 1 tech and friend
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Sylvie Durant
Born ?? Died March 2002
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Antipasto making night at Beths
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Kim and Laurie after lots of wine 
and making antipasto.
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Devin's farewell party
A whole bunch of friends!
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Devin's farewell party
A whole bunch of friends!
steve_w.gif (75729 bytes)
Steve Whitton
likes: running and...running
dislikes: freaky women
pet peeves: in your face women
favorite drink: beer
seeks 22 year old x dancer who
 like running and listening to his stories.
smilin.gif (77265 bytes)
Smilin' Mike Provost 
likes: biking, skydiving, golf
dislikes: hairy women
pet peeves: running out of beer
favorite drink: ummm, beer, duhh.
seeks a woman
alan.gif (173554 bytes)
Al ... Nice beard!
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Regulators 2000
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Keith J. P. 1964-1997
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Brad ... never again ...
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The gang over for cocktails
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Carey Mills
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Damon, Kathy, Jay
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The tunnel crew ...
Ann, Laurie, Ben, Don, Andy, Me

Regulators' videographer, John Smith
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Regulators 1998
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Aaron Major
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House boat trip 1993
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Regulators lookin' cool
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Again lookin' goofy
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Hall 3 crew
Me, Mark, Nigel
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New Years Eve 1999
in Manzanillo
Me, Mollie, Laurie, Tony



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Housewarming party
Andreas, me, Tammy, Ian


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Housewarming party
Dad, Jane, Bruce, Brad

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Housewarming party
Lots of people!


Stay tuned...more to come!