Our Wedding
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So by now you've all heard the little secret we had up our sleeves for the past couple months ... not only was the Saltwell Shaker planned to be a great party, it was also our wedding!

In early June, after we realized that all our immediate families and close friends were coming to the party, Craig proposed that we get married at the same time. We both agreed that it had to be top secret (you know how weddings have a tendency to get out of control...). Between that time and the party, we both went to a couple stags and bridal showers and sat through numerous conversations about wedding planning ... all the while snickering to ourselves! It was too much fun! No one knew, not our parents or our best friends, and the surprise was perfect!

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The announcement ...
"Please don't flush anything weird into our septic system, and ... oh yeah, we're getting married! Yes, right now!"

Craig's mom Beth

Laurie's mom Liz

(our dads were at the back of the crowd, so we didn't get good pix of them)
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The ceremony ...
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Kaelyn rolled her eyes at this part
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Craig's parents Beth & Ian
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Laurie's dad Denis
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The whole gang, right after the ceremony
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And the party begins ...
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The Celtic folk band "Birch Bark" was great!
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Tent City on the front lawn
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Laurie's dad Denis cooked up breakfast the next morning for all the campers
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Craig organizes the cleanup crew
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Laurie's family
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Recovering the next day ...
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The gang the day after!
to come
A bunch of people are sending us copies of their film,
so you may want to check back in a week or so to see new photos.
Thank you all for attending our wedding, and remember...ya never know what will happen next time, so you better be here!