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Pictures say a thousand words ...

Click on any picture to enlarge

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Watching the sunset in the
Thar Desert (Rajasthan, India)
after a long day on a camel ...

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Hiking in Manning Park ...
right before meeting a bear

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With Monique and Aidan

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On top of Elk Mountain (Chilliwack, BC)

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Me 'n' Anne

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Self-portrait with Anne, Kathy & Ben

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1997 National Skydiving Championships
BLACK Magic (Bryan, me, Anne, Kathy)

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1998 BC Provincial Skydiving Championships
(Kathy, Anne, Nancy, me)

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Waiting for yet another airplane ...

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Packing my parachute

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After a water jump into Shuswap Lake
(it was tooo cool!)

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Pretending to be a student skydiver
(I hung there for 5 mins while Anne took photos for a brochure)

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Solving problems with Kathy

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At the Pitt Meadows drop zone,
with Beech-18 in the background

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Ahh, life in the Caribbean

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Aboard the A Volante, lookin' like a sailor!

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On Pender Island

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Rowing in False Creek, Vancouver

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Atop the Squamish Chief

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Kayaking on Pender Island with Chuck

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First ocean dive (in the Caribbean)

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Bum in a hammock
Censored, that's my wife now!

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Some garden shots Garden
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My prize rose bush